Next onto what I've been up to! Well for starters, as some of you that have followed this blog for awhile know, I'm working on getting a sleeve done with the artwork of Brandi Milne, done by Misha of Zulu Tattoo
So here's a couple of shots of our latest progress, just the outline so far, but will be getting it colored next month and will post more then!

I also had the pleasure of getting to go see Dita Von Teese's "Strip Strip Hooray" show this month and woooow, that was a definite treat!!! Everything about the show from costumes, to music selections, props, dance routines to additional performers was a feast for the senses. I'm hoping I'll get to see it one more time but will have to see what time allows
Now onto the stuff you all really came here for ;) the shiny stuff!! I've been busy the last few months with lots of amazing projects I'm so honored to have gotten to work on and have met some of the sweetest people that I'm so honored to get to work on projects for!
Some projects that I've been stoked about have included: a fashion show I participated in during Toronto's Torture Garden event (I wasn't able to attend personally but hope to do a blog post soon with pictures of the show from those that were there), an article in new magazine "Licked", a shoot for my new latex swimsuit collection that was shown at TG Toronto (these pictures and the items will be up for sale soon, though you can always contact me for a sneak peak if you're looking for a suit and they haven't been listed yet and a collaborative design project working on outfits for new website Violent Kitty! I HIGHLY recommend the site if you're looking for pictures of gorgeous girls in sexy latex! Plus their content is shot by Photographer Tommy O so you know you can't go wrong ;) While I haven't made all the latex on the site I've collaborated with the site's producers on lots of new designs that can ONLY BE SEEN ON THEIR WEBSITE! Many of which haven't even been posted yet (they have sooooo much fabulous up and coming content in addition to all the great stuff already available, I just finished some amazing things for the next shoot that you wont want to miss!) Here's a couple shots just to give you a taste:
We have the always fabulous Emily Marilyn
And the delightfully sexy Christine Nguyen
I've also had some lovely opportunities for photoshoots with new models recently, one of whom I've been particularly smitten with is Lucky Hell This woman seems to have it all, brains, bran and beauty to boot! Not only that, she has the coolest side show act ever! Here's a couple shots she did with Robert Alvarado, and before you ask, no that sword is not photoshopped in, she's seriously that badass. More shots of her to come in future posts!
Wearing the peppermint bikini
Wearing the lana girdle shorts
So I mentioned that I had some new swimsuits coming out..... well here's a spoiler for you! A shot of one of 7+ pieces I'll be listing in my etsy shop soon, the "Judy suit" (photo by Andy Wanderlust of Cat Hedlund
Annnnnd while I'm at it........ Here's one more! This one is of model Austin White in the brand spanking new "Shirley cross over suit" that she recently wore to a German fetish party and shot for her site. I'm super stoked about this suit, it's one of my favorites (though I'd probably say that about all of them lol) and again if you'd like to get in on the suits before they're listed don't hesitate to shoot me an email and I can get you all that info.
While on the subject of lovely pieces, and even lovelier customers (!!!) I want to share some of my favorite shots I received recently of pieces I've had the pleasure of working on!
First off the lovely Miss Sheri Darling She got a custom Marion dress with matching gloves and hair bow for DomConLA.
When she came to pick up the dress and tried it on I couldn't help but thinking wooooow! I thought the style looked absolutely like it had been designed specifically for her and I was so excited by how excited and happy she was to get it home and put it to use!
I also worked on the cutest outfit for Miss Fortune to wear to DomConLA this year (on the right), a retro "poodle" skirt with black cat on it, and matching monogrammed top. You can't see too much of the outfit in this shot but I wanted to share anyways because I loved this pairing and will be sure to post a full length shot of the outfit when she sends one over.
Speaking of Miss Fortune, how freaking awesome does she look in these photos of her wearing a custom trans purple catsuit with custom black "utility"belt, perfect for storing all the fetish necessities.
If you like all of these then be sure to check out her new website HERE where you can see all these shots and more up close and personal, follow her blog, etc!
Last but not least a couple days ago I saw Emily Marilyn post these photos up on her twitter and I wanted to share because they're absolutely divine! She picked up the Myra dress a few months ago when I sold off a few one of a kind sample pieces and I was so happy to have it go to such a good home! Not only that, but it looks like it was specifically made for her in mind because when she puts it on it seems to have a Cinderella-esque glass slipper effect ;)

Well that's all for tonight! I'll try to not be so long in writing again but in the mean time I think I've left you all with a good deal of things to look through and enjoy for the time being. I can't wait to post all the new swimsuit photos though, so be on the lookout for those soon!!
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